Celebrating the heritage of Wales
The annual Welsh Heritage Schools Initiative competition has been running for over 30 years and specifically celebrates the heritage of Wales, handed down from the past. There is an expectation, therefore, that projects will engage and make links with the past even where the starting point for the project is a contemporary issue, enquiry or theme.
The judges will specifically look for the following in the project submitted by each school:
The heritage focus of the project and the knowledge and understanding gained by learners;
The development of learners’ enquiry skills, thinking skills and wider skills;
The impact of the project on learners and the wider community
Please see the full Judging Criteria CLICK HERE.
Schools are invited to submit ONE ENTRY PER SCHOOL*. This may be a project completed by just a small group of pupils such as a club or one class. Alternatively, it may be a project that includes the work of several classes or the whole school, but in this case there needs to be a common thread that connects the project together and provides its title, such as a common theme or a common enquiry question.
*Schools may submit multiple EUSTORY entries from their year 12 and 13 students as well as the school’s own project.

Details of 2025 Competition
WHSI would like to thank teachers, learners and schools for supporting the annual competitions and for showing interest in entering the competition in 2025.
The judges are excited to be once again planning to visit schools to view projects and speak to learners and teachers in 2025.
Here is a list of the KEY DATES for the competition in 2025:
Complete the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM to register by 31 January 2025.
Entries to be available for judging in schools between 31 March – 11 April 2025.
Presentation of prizes/awards will be on Friday 4th July, 2025.
Awards Winners 2024
Awards Winners 2023
Awards Winners 2021
Awards Winners 2022
We are most grateful to the sponsors who have supported us. Sponsorship, grants and prizes ranged from £100 to £1000.
WHSI has always supported older learners in conjunction with EUSTORY, a network of organisations (sponsored by the Körber Foundation) that conduct research-based history competitions for young people in Europe, of which WHSI is a member. This year there will be an opportunity for learners in years 12 or 13 to submit individual work for the WHSI EUSTORY prize. To enter, learners need to submit an enquiry project linked to Welsh heritage, which is their original work, based on research, analysis and evaluation.
A prize of £200 will be awarded to each of the top two individual entries (£100 to the student and £100 to their school), and these will be eligible to apply to EUSTORY to attend the annual EUSTORY History Campus with other young Europeans.
The Skills Challenge Certificate A number of the Skills Challenge Certificate Community Challenges are closely related to Welsh heritage. WHSI considers that work submitted by students for several of the challenges would be appropriate for entering the WHSI EUSTORY competition, with a short introduction.
Registration and Entries to be uploaded by 11th April 2025
For more information CLICK HERE.
Click here to view samples of previous winning entries